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Kindness Feels Good: Saved By The T-Shirt

I’m taking a chance with this story

I’ve got a quick story for you today, and depending on your views, I could walk away looking like one of two things:

  • mom of the year
  • or an extremist who doesn’t deserve to have kids.

Let me start by saying I am a huge believer in kindness.

Last week was Random Acts of Kindness Day. Did you hear about it? Did you intentionally share kindness?

My hope is, because we are a community that understands the connection between kindness and joy, we don’t limit our acts of kindness to a holiday.

I was reminded of this story, a time I was really desperate for kindness.

Here we go: Promise you won’t judge me

When my kids were really little, like 3 and 5, they were arguing about something. I don’t remember the situation, and they probably don’t either, but it was important to them at the time.

Somebody did something to somebody and it got heated fast.

They were going at it, arguing back and forth as kids do.

I wanted them to get along. Even then, I encouraged them to be nicer to each other than anyone else, because chances are, their relationship would last longer on earth than any other they’d experience.

They could care less. They kept fighting.

I tried again and again to get them to quit.

Nothing was working and the way they were treating each other was honestly hurting my heart.

So, in desperation, I grabbed one of my husband’s t-shirts.

I told them that until they worked it out and treated each other with kindness, they had to wear the shirt.


So there they were, red-faced little kids, beady eyes glaring at each other inside of the same shirt, madder than hornets.

I can see them yet, standing next to the refrigerator, wanting to duke it out, unable to swing.

Can you not just picture the scene?

And can you imagine what came next?

Yup, a snicker.

One of them started giggling at their ludicrous predicament.

Soon, the beautiful sound of laughter erupted in the kitchen and the walls came down.

Apologies flowed, the shirt came off, and all was well. The crazy tactic worked and no one called CPS.

Why am I telling you this story now?

Because as I was sitting in church yesterday, listening to a fantastic sermon about loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us, that scene came to mind.

I practically laughed out loud.

But it made me wonder:

  • Who are my enemies? Someone needs my kindness, my prayers… who?
  • Who would I need to be in the shirt with?
  • What do I need to apologize for?

As I ponder these things, I thought I’d throw them out there to you.

Because this is about joy!

Kindness and joy are intricately linked. They are hard to put in order… like the chicken and the egg.

It doesn’t matter which comes first. All that matters is that they flow from us to a world that needs them both.

Who needs your kindness? Resist the urge to judge whether they deserve it. Instead, just consider who NEEDS it.

Give kindness away whether it’s a special holiday or not.

You can borrow the shirt if you want to.

It feels good to feel good. #feelgood

I’ll see you over at Joy To The World Coaching,


PS: If you need a partner in your quest for kindness and joy, I’m here for you. Click here to schedule a breakthrough call today and let’s talk.

Photo of Robin's signature

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rev Bob

    Beautiful story, Robin, thanks for posting. The ways of the LORD are ridiculous (by worldly standards) but for those with the courage to practice them, they are the way to joy, peace, and happiness. “For those who believe in the LORD no explanation is necessary; for those who don’t believe in our benevolent Lover, no explanation is possible. ” (I read that one last week, don’t know who first said it.). Keep up the good work you have been called to do! God be with you. With love, Rev Bob.

    1. Robin Shear

      Thanks so much, Reverend Bob, and may God be with you also! Here’s to following the Lord’s ridiculous ways to joy, peace, and happiness!

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