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Encouragement: Need a kick in the pants?

Yeah, me too.

If you are looking for an encouraging, loving nudge to help you make progress toward something that’s important to you, you’ve come to the right place!

I hope this kick isn’t painful, because if you’re like me, it sure is necessary.

This is my first blog post since recovering from a head injury earlier this year. I’ve sent emails to my tribe, but no new blogs.

Until today.

At times, I have found myself stuck in overwhelm.

Not moving forward, wishing I could control time.

Overcome by fear.

You too?

Well, guess what? Remaining stagnant is robbing us of joy and this is the day things change!

While my recovery took me away from my computer for months and I’m working to catch up (which reminds me, I posted videos on my YouTube channel about finding joy after my accident which never got posted as blogs), we’ll catch up later.

This isn’t about me. This is about YOU.

You. Are. Awesome!

You, my friend, need to pat yourself on the back.

You are part of a wonderful, caring, wise community. Congratulations!

You helped me with some great advice recently, and I would like to thank you.

You see, my accident inspired me to write a book about finding joy during dark times. I’m still working on it. As you can imagine, going back there emotionally can be hard to face, hard to write about.

My desire to avoid the difficult added to my stuck-ness and I knew I couldn’t stay there.

So, I asked members of my JOY BITES newsletter tribe for encouragement.

If you’re not part of the official JOY BITES newsletter tribe, you should fill out the form (on the sidebar for desktop users and at the bottom for mobile users), because there are fun conversations that happen within the email world. And coaching discounts!

So I asked you wonderful people for advice, and you gave it.

Thank you!!

Your words were so helpful.

They were so good, I taped them to my bathroom mirror so I can look at them all the time.

You have given me so much to consider.

But guess what? I think your wisdom can help you, too.

Man giving helpful hand up to another person
If you need a hand up, you’ve found the right place.


My guess is, you are facing something challenging.

You could feel small in comparison.

You might be immobilized.

You may even be banging your head against the wall.

(Yes, they say banging your head against the wall burns 100 calories an hour – knowing this may help you win bar trivia night and help avoid holiday weight gain at the same time – but take it from me, don’t do it).

It’s true, your words of encouragement were about pushing through my writer’s block, but this wisdom can bless you, too.

We are in this together and I’d like to share.

Now, it would be awkward to invite the world into my bathroom.

But I can do the next best thing.

Livesteam from my bathroom?

…How about if I post the advice in this blog?

As you dig in and consider how this wisdom applies to your situation, my hope is that you’ll receive just what you need to move forward.

I also hope you realize that you are not alone.

Forward motion is a joy-bringer, so let’s go!


Remember your big why

Keep striving to achieve your goals, at the end, you shall realize they are worth the stress.

God bless you.


This one is short and straight to the point. Sometimes when we feel buried, that’s just what we need.

I love that it reminds us that our goals will be worth the stress. There is purpose.

It’s so important to remember our WHY.

As you think about the thing you are working through, ask yourself, “What’s my why?”

This thing before you matters. But why?

Let that guide you to keep striving.

Include fun

Sometimes to focus to finish projects I just set a timer & tell myself one hour.

With a big project or something hard to focus to accomplish, I reward myself with a special treat:

Taxes done – new vacuum for spring cleaning

Desk clean out – donate school supplies

Windows clean – new hanging organizer with storage for hose 

Flowerbeds planted or weeded – new yard art

So use your imagination to accomplish your goal in only small steps – 2-3 days a week. Sit where joy flows. Find time to be creative & a quiet place to write – maybe a fall park with a sunny pond, or your happy place.


This is great because it brings the fun factor in.

It’s fun to think of short time blocks, rewards, and being in special places.

How’s the fun factor in your situation? Is it all work and no play?

Would adding some joy make a difference?

Shocking, but I happen to think adding fun is fabulous advice. 😉

Identify milestones

To take on an IMPORTANT, but not urgent project, it must be prioritized. To do so, identify milestones and put them on your calendar.  These are now turned into urgent deadlines. Determine how much time prior to each deadline will be needed and assure there is time allotted in the days preceding the deadline to accomplish it. Example:  To obtain my initial levelof TKD Karate Blackbelt it involved ten sub level colored belts, Yellow, Gold, Orange etc, each being a milestone. A testing date for each was available each month from our Master teacher. It was up to us which month we were ready. With perseverance over three to five years, I was ready to test for my 1st Degree Blackbelt. I continued the process for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degree Master. This took another eight years. To have accomplished going from a novice to a Master without these ” milestones ” would be difficult if not impossible. 


Wow, this one is full of practical steps, beginning with knowing the difference between the important things and the urgent things. The urgent things will naturally take care of themselves.

The important things need to be broken down into milestones and scheduled.

What do you deem as important? Why?

How would it feel to accomplish each milestone along the path toward your goal?

How soon can you add your milestones to your calendar?

Get your heart and mind right

I just wanted you to know that I am your biggest fan. YOU BRING JOY TO THE WORLD!!! I too am writing a book to go with a undergraduate certified college course I am designing entitled “21st Century Entrepreneurs Success Designer. ” It’s a course based on the book “Think and Grow Rich” for women and men. I know how it is, writing for books. My advice, is keep the faith. You are really a personality that will change the world for the better. Even after your horrible accident you were truly optimistic. You really posses the one thing that we all need in today’s world, and that is a POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE !!! You are truly blessed.


Here we are reminded that our goals can be achieved when we keep our hearts and minds in the right place.

Several heavy hitters are listed: Faith, optimism, a positive mental attitude, and remembering our blessings.

These are not fluffy feel-good words, they are powerhouse motivators.

As you face the mountain in your path today, ask yourself:

  • Who or what do I believe in? Do I believe I am doing this alone or with help?
  • How am I viewing this situation? Is it problem- or possibility-filled?
  • What word honestly describes my attitude at this moment? Am I ok with the answer?
  • Am I facing this as someone who recognizes I am blessed, or as someone who wishes for more?

Let God guide

God has a plan for you and things will unfold how they are supposed to. What I have learned is to listen to the “Be still and know that I am God” part. Sometimes I try to move forward when I should be sitting still and listening. It’s hard to think that what seems to us as being static, can actually be growth. It’s all about timing. If you are feeling writer’s block, take the break and know that what you are going to write about next might be an experience waiting to happen. I am a huge planner and it is hard for me when things don’t play out as expected. But, oddly enough, one of my favorite things to do is go on adventures to new places and explore where I have no idea what is going to be around the next bend. Keep an open mind and an open heart and God will provide.


Isn’t it wonderful to ask for advice and receive a wide variety?

Are you surprised that in a society that tells us to push through, sometimes the best advice is just to sit in the discomfort and see what God wants to reveal?

I really needed to hear this, and maybe you did, too.

God is, has been, and always will be good, no matter what we face.

Let’s let Him speak to us in the stillness, and as we follow Him on an unplanned path.

Focus on the internal benefits

My biggest tip to maintain motivation is to remember the intrinsic, positive motivation that writing and completing the book brings to you. Forget the rewards, the external pressures, the guilt of not finishing it as reasons to keep you moving forwards, and focus on the benefits it will bring you internally. It’s so powerful and makes the challenge so much easier. I promise.


With this great advice, some questions to ask ourselves are:

  • What benefit will I experience personally if I do this?
  • What impact will this have on me as an individual?
  • What do I want to get out of this that I couldn’t have gotten otherwise?

And, because you are a community of givers (or you wouldn’t be here), I have to add:

  • What’s in it for the people you care about?
  • If you accomplish this, what impact will it have on them?
  • How can that motivate you to put one foot in front of the other?

Do it, with the right perspective

Quote from unknown author on Mt. Everest:

“Go! Climb the treasured mountain! Do not return empty handed! Where are you now?” 

Your book project may seem like a mountain, but every step gets you closer to the summit & the view of the heavens.  You can do this! 


This is direct, very “just do it” like, and it could be exactly what’s needed, depending on your situation.

It’s solid advice.

Sometimes we need to take a look at where we are vs where we want to be… and then move.

But there’s more.

The end of this points to our perspective.

Did you catch it? The part about the view?

I had been seeing a mountain as something huge and difficult to scale, but this advice helps me reframe my thinking.

It’s because my situation is a mountain that I get to imagine the view from the top. Without the mountain, there would be no view.

Adjusting our perspective helps us to be thankful for the mountain!

man on mountain summit
Oh, but the view!


See, I told you that you were wonderful. And wise. And not in this alone. ❤️

I hope that this encouraging kick in the pants didn’t hurt too bad.

As we close, my questions for you are:

  • What are you facing? We’d like to try and help you, so please share below if you feel the nudge to open up.
  • What advice spoke to you today and why? Please share it with us in the comments.
  • Are you feeling extra encouraged today and have wisdom to add to the list? We’d love to absorb it so please post it below.

I am so thankful for your willingness to share.

Be sure to reread this post, because YOU have sprinkled golden nuggets throughout.

As you do, consider your options.

You can choose to remain stuck.

Or you can move forward and experience joy.

My friend, I recommend joy!

PS: Here’s the GIVING ENCOURAGEMENT part. As you can see, the messages I received from the JOY BITES community were filled with encouragement. They came right when I needed them. Believe me, even “encouragers” need encouraging… but if they are anything like me, they have a hard time asking for it. You could invite them to join our tribe. As a final thought, let me ask you, who is in your path that could use some kind words today? Trust me, your kindness will arrive at just the right time.

Photo of Robin's signature

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Chioma

    Am really inspired. I like this kick in the pant.

    1. Robin Shear

      Yay for being inspired! And thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and being part of the community! ❤️

  2. Roger

    Looking forward to an autographed copy of what I know will be a Great read. 😊❤️

    An “Inspiration” you are and continue to be to many!
    Never doubt God’s plan for you!

    1. Robin Shear

      An autographed copy is the least I could do for someone who has helped me so much. Thank you, thank you! 💜

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